Community Advisors

Anni Hanna- Director

Anni Hanna, an educator, mother, and photographer has a strong commitment to standing up to protect air, water, soil and water for future generations. Growing up on a farm in Massachusetts, she has a close connection to land, and the need for regenerative farming and healthy soils. In New Mexico, she taught elementary school in Gallup, which grounded work in listening to Indigenous and frontline communities as they stand up to extractive industries in New Mexico.

Lisa Christopherson- Advisor

Speaking truth to power, Lisa is a community organizer and activist. Experiencing first hand the inequalities and disparities in today's America while organizing for social justice and environmental protection causes, Lisa fights with those seeking to protect our Earth's precious and rapidly diminishing natural resources.

Eleanor Bravo-Advisor

Eleanor Bravo served as the Southwest Director of Food & Water Watch for 10 years and is now a consultant in the fields of environmental preservation and environmental justice. She serves as Director of Government Relations and Chairs the Board of New Energy Economy. She is active in protecting public and indigenous lands from the devastating impacts from the oil & gas industry including the Chaco Culture National Historical Park, a UNESCO world heritage site precious to the native people of the Southwest. The work includes coordinating with indigenous groups, lobbying elected officials for critical legislation, writing and speaking in public on the importance of good stewardship of Mother Earth. She is involved in electoral work having endorsed Congresswoman Debra Haaland, one of the first two Native American women to serve in the US Congress. 

She led a national campaign to oppose pipelines and fracking infrastructure visiting pipeline sites such as Standing Rock, ND bringing aid during that historic event. She serves on the boards of two environmental non profits: Amigos Bravos and New Energy Economy and is president of the Board of Mercury Media. She is a member of the New Mexico Mediation Association, Screen Actors Guild, Environmental Alliance of NM and the Democratic Women of Sandoval County. She serves on a special committee of Animal Protection of New Mexico. 

Lora Lucero -Advisor

Lora Anne Lucero, a retired city planner and environmental lawyer, is actively engage in climate change education. She will be attending the COP26 in Glasgow as a delegate representing the League of Women Voters - US

Sophia Jenkins Nieto -Advisor

Sofia Jenkins-Nieto(she/her) was born in Albuquerque and grew up in Denver, CO. Her passion for environmental justice has introduced her to a broad range of experiences as a senior at UNM studying Environmental Science and Sustainability Studies. Through her academic work, she has taken advantage of every opportunity possible in order to expand her knowledge and make a positive impact on the world. She believes strongly that Indigenous knowledge in land and water relations should be prioritized and combined with Western science.

Lonnie Anderson Jicarilla Apache, Mexhika, Chichimeca from New Mexico Anderson was an executive producer of the film THE SEVENTH FIRE working with Natalie Portman and Terrence Malick which examines Native American gangs. The film was shown at the White House under the Obama administration. Lonnie’s past experience includes working with Mr Spike Lee at 40 Acres and a Mule on the NAACP & Negro league baseball. Collaborating with American Indian Movement founders Dennis Banks and Russell Means on substance and alcohol abuse programs; working with world-renowned peace activist Lily Yeh; and Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder, United Farm Workers on The César Chávez Day of Service. Anderson has had the privilege to collaborate with Spike Lee, Samuel L Jackson, Robert Duvall, Danny Trejo, Natalie Portman, Shepard Fairey, Jason Lee, Sonic Youth, Daniel Johnston, Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Pro Snowboarder Travis Rice and Mark Ruffalo. He has had the privilege of teaching and lecturing at the New York Institute of Technology in Bahrain, Jordan, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Università IUAV di Venezia in Italy. Anderson is a fellow board member with Harry Belafonte, Civil Rights Leader and Danny Trejo, Actor and the late Rudolfo Anaya, Writer at La Plazita Institute where he works with former gang members and teaches youth in prisons and jails. Lastly, Anderson was named “The most romantic man in Dubai” by Grazia Magazine

Lonnie Anderson-Advisor